Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are the most commonly asked questions. If you can't find what you're looking for - please just contact us.

General Questions

The simple answer is no, you do not need a licence to ride an electric bike. Our electric bikes are built to the European Standard EN15194, which is considered a bicycle and legal to ride on public roads without a licence according to Australian laws. You can ride on public roads and cycling paths under the same regulations as for a regular push bike.

Typically around 22-25kg including the battery pack.

The distance you can travel with the power-assist is dependent on many factors (such as hill angle and head winds) so this will vary from around 50-80 kilometres on one of our folding electric bikes to 60-100 kilometres on a fixed frame e-bike. You can still pedal like a regular bike should your battery become flat before you reach your destination.

Yes, please contact us with what you require.